We are looking for international colleagues to work with!

My World goes on a world trip!

My World develops therapy materials and training to work with children, adolescents and their families in a playful and engaging way to increase safety, regulation and resilience. The polyvagal theory is the theoretical basis. My World was very positively received in the Netherlands in 2023. We are happy to introduce international colleagues to My World.

We are looking for international colleagues who want to spread My World around the world. Please contact us if:

– You work as a psychologist / psychotherapist with children, adolescents and their families.

– You have basic knowledge of the polyvagal theory and are enthusiastic about it.

– You want to become a trainer and/or selling point.

What do we expect from you as a selling point?

– You use your network to spread My World and help make My World known in your country.

– You attend the basic training of My World at a reduced rate.

– As a selling point, you are prepared to ship orders within two days and have storage space for My World materials.

– Apart from an investment in enthusiasm and time, no start-up capital is required.

What do we expect from you as a trainer?

– You use your network to spread My World and help make My World known in your country.

– You attend the basic training of My World at a reduced rate.

– As a trainer, you will co-host the My World training with a colleague. You arrange lunch and classroom space for the training.

– Apart from an investment in enthusiasm and time, no start-up capital is required.

What we offer:

– We deliver a beautifully designed product that is theoretically well substantiated.

– An inspiring collaboration.

– A commission per product sold and per trainee.

– Exclusivity for selling products and offering training in an agreed region.

– A collaboration as a commercial agent (there is no employment relationship).

We particularly invite colleagues living in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Canada to contact us. Do you live in another country and would you like to represent My World there? Do not hesitate to contact us.


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